Raising a child is not easy. No matter how many kids you may have already raised, starting over with a new one presents unique challenges. Perhaps one of the most challenging phases of parenting is when your child is nearing the age of driving. Your child may want to learn to drive and buy their own vehicle.
According to statistics, teenagers are highly likely to cause accidents because of obvious reasons. They are usually more reckless and tend to disobey the traffic rules. This might cause parents to worry about their safety. Hire an auto accident lawyer in Wytheville if your child has been involved in an auto accident.
Tips to help your teen drive safely on the road
- Establish a parent-teen driving contract.
It is common for parents to outline a few driving rules and regulations for their teenagers and yell at their kids when they do not follow them. However, yelling might not be enough. Do not just tell your kids about the rules; get them in writing. People are more likely to follow written orders than verbal ones. Establishing a contract before you finally hand over the keys is important.
- Do not allow driving at night.
More than half of the car crashes that happen every single day in Wytheville occur during the nighttime. The nighttime is dark, and teenagers are already inexperienced drivers who know little about defensive driving. They are more likely to get into a crash due to visibility as well as fatigue issues. Parents are advised to set a curfew for their teens and ask them not to go out at night until absolutely necessary.
- Offer to drive your teen whenever possible.
It might not be possible to become your child’s driver and drive them everywhere. However, there are certain situations where you may want to drive them for their own safety. For example, if your teen wants to go to a friend’s party, it is better to drive and then pick them up. This reduces the chances of a DUI since teens tend to drink at parties.
- Use driving apps to track your teen.
While your teen may not be very happy with having you track their vehicle every time they go out, it is only important to keep a check on whether your child behaves on the road. There are apps to help you see if your child is adhering to the speeding limits, alert you about your teen’s travel, and even about their cell phone usage.